South Sardinia: Cagliari

My flight to Amsterdam departs from Cagliari; the capital and largest city of Sardinia. Here you go back in time and see the history while you walk trough the Il Castello neighborhood; have dinner at one of the many restaurants in the Marina and check out the long stretched city beach at Poetto.

Il Castello Neighborhood

Il Castello is in my opinion the most interesting and touristic part of Cagliari. Cagliari is a busy city where the streets are narrow; due to the difference in heights and some detours made me almost uncomfortable to drive. Glad that I could find a narrow parking spot eventually so I could discover the city on foot. My walk started more or less at Piazza Costituzione, where you have a great view on the neoclassical structure Bastione di Saint Remy.

Saint Remy highlight in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsWalking on top of the Bastione you reach the panoramic terrace; where you could see almost every part of Cagliari. The cruise ships in the harbor, mountains in the back and the rooftops of the buildings.

Perfect place to chill and plan the route ahead. This area is packed with historical buildings. I walked up the street of Via del Fossario, al the way to Cathedral di Sant Maria.

Square Saint Remy in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsThis graceful 13th-century cathedral is build in Pisan-Romanesque style at Piazza Palazzo. The inside is just as impressing as outside, the baroque paintings from the 17th-century gives the cathedral a real holy atmosphere.


Santa Maria church in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsSanta Maria inside in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsTime to move on, walk all the way up to Piazza Indipendenza and Arsenale, walk under the Porta Cristina to the Piazza Aquilino Cannas. Here you have a great view over the city: I was lucky with almost sunset. Walk down again on Via Fiume and turn right to Via Santa Croce; here you find a couple of restaurants and bars. The sunset aperitif at Caffè Libarium Nostum is popular and for a reason; amazing view over the city of Cagliari. Further down on the Via Genovesi takes you down again at the point of where you start.

Sunset over Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsPanorama view over Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsAccommodation & Restaurants in South Sardinia

Most of the restaurants are  in the Marina neighborhood. After the sunset I walked further down to this area passing a big shopping street Via Giuseppe Manno. Walk down from this street to on on the many small streets. You find so many restaurants everywhere.

Tip: Cagliari has a lot of differences in elevation. If you don’t plan you route you can walk up and down all the time so be prepared; wear comfortable shoes and plan you route! 

The range of restaurants is very extensive here, so hard to pick one; a lot of them have these appetizer menu again. A couple of wine bars, Mexican and sushi restaurants too. I ended up at Coendi (Via dei Mille), it looked nice outside and in a street with more restaurants. My feet hurt by now, it was time to sit down; knowing that I have to walk back to my B&B too….. The food was different, they really to try to make something out of it; great service too. Would not go back but was definitely ok.

I was looking forward going back to my B&B, that is strange right? Not in this instance; I stayed at the brand new B&B J&O Luxury Suite. And indeed is was luxury and Oliviero is the best host ever!! When I think of Italy I think of Italian design. I hadn’t seen that so far during my trip, but this is what I expected more in Italy.

Bed and Breakfast J&O Suite hall in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsFresh and good bed, bathroom is perfect with the blue lights and rain shower. The breakfast was fresh and the coffee perfect. One minor thing………..I could only stay one night…. Price is 108 EUR per night, but was worth every EUR; a hidden gem in Cagliari!!

Bed and Breakfast J&O Suite hall in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsPoetto Beach

Normally, the day that I will leave, I hang out on the beach. Relaxing and prepare mentally for my return to home and work. Lucky Cagliari has a long stretched beach where you can chill only half an hour away from the airport. I drove to Poetto Beach; where I parked the car free in front of Ottagono. There is sufficient parking along the whole Poetto’s beach.

Poetto Beach in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsI had a good recommendation to eat at Frontemare. I walked all the way up there, which was quite a long walk I had to admit, but with some dips in the perfect water I loved it. I was treated to a perfect beach club, where even a wedding was planned that same day. The food was perfect and my last Italian wine tasted delicious.

Pasta at Beach club Frontemare in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsWhen I flew back I had the most perfect view on Poetto beach and Parco Naturale Regionale Morlentargius. In this former salt park where you can witness the different stages of evaporation; it habitats several species of wild birds including the pink flamingo.

Salt fields near Poetto Beach from above in Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog InspirationsGrazie mille Sardinia!!

My holiday is over, but Sardinia surprised me in a very positive way. I hope I gave you enough inspirations to convince you to go to Sardinia. Of course you can visit parts of where I have been and do a more relaxed schedule, but I was curious about everything that Sardinia has to offer! Hope you will like it as much as I did. Arrivederci Sardinia!!

Sunset Plane leaving Cagliari Sardinia, Sardinia Travel Blog Inspirations

If you start here, go to Costa del Sud to Pula next!


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