Packing your Backpack, Suitcase or Trolley

Some people pack their bags only one day or even hours in advance. I’m already starting a week before I leave. Every time I think of something I put it already down in my suitcase. When I am in the supermarket I buy extra and put it away for the holiday. This way I don’t create stress around packing my bag. The same for my cloths, put down some sets I can combine and change that during the week till I’m finally happy with the outcome (which is of course always too much!!).

What do you Prefer as Luggage?

I have traveled with a backpack, suitcase but at the moment I prefer the trolley. I find the trolley flexible and easy to roll. Your stuff is protected by the hard bottom and you can lock it with a number lock what I always do.

Luggage and Packing Travel Tips; Travel Tips and Inspirations BlogBy rolling your clothes you create more space and you have fewer wrinkles I experienced. I recommend you to use these travel sets in several sizes, I normally have five packages; 1) skirts, shorts, trousers and dresses together 2) T-shirts & tops 3) underwear 4) bikini & beachwear 5) light shoes & flip-flops. The sneakers I wear in the plane same as the long trousers, sweater, scarf and jacket (all the heavy but comfortable clothing). The most important package you are still missing right?! Toiletries! Indeed I even bring two of them, depending on the destination (sunscreen and after sun are very important).

Tip: I always bring a tube of cloth washing cream with me. I take some of the dirty laundry with me in the shower and wash them at the same time. Dry in the room or balcony, this way I keep most of my cloth clean during my travels. If you stay longer at a certain place you can pay somebody to do it for you of course, but if you hop a lot this works for me perfectly.

Next to my main trolley I always bring a large backpack as hand luggage. Normally on the outbound it’s full with candy, nuts and granola bars and on my return full with local souvenirs. (See my blog on Souvenirs).

Tip: Travel light!! Don’t bring too much with you, especially with stuff you barely use. This will save weight, money and irritation during your travel.

Tip: Please check the airline luggage terms and conditions. What sizes and weight can you bring as hand luggage and can you bring your surfboard for example.


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