White Colonial Popayán

Next stop in my travel journey though Colombia is Popayán, a white colonial city in the South of Colombia. Perfect city stop between San Agustín and Cali. Check my travel blog here with tips and inspirations on this recommended city in Colombia.

Parque Caldas in Colonial Poyayán Colombia; Colombia Travel Blog InspirationsTransport to and from Popayán

It took me half a day to get from San Agustín to Popayán Colombia. You can book the transport at several small travel agencies in San Agustín and you can choose several timeslots.

Be prepared it will be a bumpy ride! Some parts of the road are paved but the main or at least the longest period is only sand, stones, rocks with holes and bumps.

Unpaved road to Poyayán Colombia; Colombia Travel Blog InspirationsLuckily you travel in a smaller Cootranshuila bus where I could sit in the front, which made the ride a bit more comfortable. Halfway there is a coffee break where you can try the famous Colombian chocolate milk. The route was beautiful and with some reggeaton music coming out of the speakers made me smile the whole route, although admitting I was glad to reach Popayán. Grabbing a taxi to the hotel and get some food!

Accommodation and Restaurants in Popayán

I booked a private room in the old and colonial Hotel La Plazuela in the city center of this White City or La Ciudad Blanca. That is how they call the small colonial city Popayán. And for a reason; the city center is all chalk-white with traditional and historical buildings. Great for some nice photo shots!

Plaza at Hotel la Plazuela in Colonial Poyayán Colombia; Colombia Travel Blog InspirationsThat afternoon I strolled around the colonial city center with a map from the hotel. Bought the famous small empanadas de pipián in small store called La Fresa. After that I had my nails done in a street (thought is was calle 8 or 9)  full of beautyshops; for 10,000 COP I had a manicure, so did a pedicure too!!

I love to walk a lot in my holidays; you see so much and run into local people. Day and night the Parque Caldas was packed with students hanging out. Popayán has numerous universities.

White Church in Colonial Poyayán Colombia; Colombia Travel Blog InspirationsI liked the vibe and impressive colonial details of Popayán, half a day and one night was long enough for me. Next stop with the local bus is Cali.

Tip: When I arrive at a new place, most of the time a bus station, I already check when, where and which bus company will get me to the next destination. Sometimes I buy the ticket in advance, this gives me no stress and easy to plan forward.

Where are  you headed next Cali like me or back to San Agustín?

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